Your Pet, Our Passion.

Myth Buster: Are Cats Truly Nocturnal?

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March 21, 2025
4 min read
Cat looking in the distance

Cats bring so much joy from the very first moment they walk into our lives. But they also bring with them plenty of bizarre habits and mind-boggling behaviours. We’re still scratching our heads at their intense fear of cucumbers, and we still enjoy inventing theories about cats’ adorable love for cardboard boxes.

But when night-time comes, we realise there’s even more to discover about the mysterious feline in the family. As humans and other pets get ready to wind down for the evening, cats are often on their own schedule, roaming around the house looking for cuddles, snacks and mischief to get into. Could this spurt of activity at night mean that cats are nocturnal? And how could this impact our lives with them? Keep reading to learn more about this feline behaviour.

In This Article

Are cats nocturnal animals?

Cats are not nocturnal animals; they’re crepuscular. This means that they are most active at dawn and dusk and get their rest during the day.

Why do we think cats are nocturnal?

Many cats snooze throughout the day and reserve the small hours for all the fun kitty stuff like playing or nagging their favourite humans for attention in the middle of their sleep. So, it’s natural to think your cat is a nocturnal creature. But when we look closer at the hours when their activity peaks, it’s usually early mornings and evenings where we see the highest levels of activity.

If cats aren’t nocturnal animals, why do they sleep most of the day?

Of course, our dear felines are not the wild creatures their ancestors used to be, but they’ve maintained the same sleep schedule. The good news is that many domesticated cats have learned to adjust their routine to better match their human family’s waking hours but you are still likely to see them being more active in the hour either side of dawn and dusk.

With their great eyesight however, they are just as likely to be active during the dark hours as they are in the light so if you’re still struggling to get some shut-eye with all the feline activity going on, there are a few things you can do for a better night’s sleep.

Is your cat awake at night? Top tips to manage life with our crepuscular feline friends

Cats might not be nocturnal animals, but they still make our lives interesting with their crepuscular schedule. Here is how to manage a cat that wants to keep you awake all the time.

Play together before bedtime

This is the very best way to ensure a good night’s sleep. Make sure your cat has got plenty of enrichment activities but make late evenings game time! Use up some of your cat’s excess energy by playing their favourite games together just before going to bed. 

A good cat play session could include anything from chasing toys and food games to searching out treats. And some cats won’t say no to a good game of fetch either. Play times aren’t just for the night though. If you interact with them and encourage them to enjoy plenty of activity during the day, they are more likely to settle down later on, and won’t come looking for you when you’re asleep.

In addition, if outdoor cats have a good outlet for their predatory behaviour, they may be less likely to spend the nights and early morning’s hunting (and potentially bringing you ‘presents’ in the early hours).

Offer your cat a meal before bedtime

Another good trick that might help to prevent your cat’s crepuscular activities is feeding them before going to bed. A full belly means a lot of the body’s energy will be diverted towards the digestion process, leaving little extra for any of their night-time mischievous behaviour. And making sure your cat is full before you go to bed means they will be less likely to wake you up asking for food while you’re sleeping.

It also means that those expert feline hunters who have access to the great outdoors have less incentive to go out and find themselves a midnight snack! 

Don’t let your cat in the bedroom

One of the easiest ways to keep your cat from disturbing your sleep is by prohibiting their access to your room during the night. You won’t even wonder if your cat is nocturnal anymore. Make sure they’ve got access to food, water and toys (as well as a litter tray if they are indoor cats) so there’s less incentive to come barging in your room while you sleep.

There is so much to learn about the mysterious feline slouching on your couch and discovering more about their crepuscular nature is definitely at the top of the list for any cat lover. Now that we’ve answered the question ‘are cats nocturnal or not’, find out if cats can truly see in the dark.

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