Purina ONE Money back guarantee
Money back guarantee terms & conditions
If you’re unhappy with your Purina ONE pet food, you can claim your money back by following these steps:
1. Follow the link to complete the online form: https://hashting.promo/direct/PURINAONE-MBG
2. Complete the Claim Form, including a 75-character description of how Purina ONE product could be improved.
The offer is available across all PURINA ONE® Cat Dry 800g, 750g, 2.8kg and 3kg bags and Purina ONE® Cat Wet 8x85g boxes but excludes: Purina ONE® Kitten Rich in Chicken Dry Food 750g & 2.8kg, Purina ONE® Adult Cat Rich in Chicken Dry Food 6kg, and Purina ONE® Adult Cat Mini Fillets in Gravy - Mixed Selection 40x85g.
Maximum refund:
- Refund up to the maximum purchase value of:
- £19.86/€27.41 for a full Purina ONE Cat Dry feed – 2 x 800g/750g bags of Bifensis or 3 x 650g bags of Dual Nature or 1 x 3kg or 1 x 2.8kg bag.
- £37.60/€56.96 for the value of Purina ONE Wet (8 boxes).
- £34.82 for mixed feeding (wet and dry food): 1 x 750g or 800g or 650g PURINA ONE dry food bag + 6 x PURINA ONE wet food boxes containing 8 x 85g pouches in a box.
- Offer limited to a maximum of one (1) money back application per household with one cat per application.
Internet access & purchase required. UK, CI, IoM and ROI, 18+. Claim by 31/12/2025. Receipts must be between 3 weeks - 3 months old. Retain original purchase receipt.
These Terms and Conditions prevail in the event of any conflict or inconsistency with any other communications, including advertising or promotional materials. Entry and claim instructions are deemed to form part of these Terms and Conditions and by participating all participants will be deemed to have accepted and be bound by them. Participants should retain a copy for their information.
The Promoter takes data protection seriously. By entering this promotion, participants confirm that they have read the Privacy Policy and agree to these Terms and Conditions of the promotion. By submitting any information required as part of their participation into the promotion, participants agree to their information being held and processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.
This Promotion is only open to residents of the UK and ROI, aged 18 or over, excluding employees of the Promoter, their families, agents or anyone else professionally connected with this promotion.
1. Refunds available to UK, CI, IoM and ROI residents who are aged 18 years or over, with the exclusion of employees and their immediate families of Nestlé Purina UK Commercial Operations Limited, its agents and anyone else professionally connected with this promotion. No entries (bulk or otherwise) from trade or third-party applications will be accepted.
2. By participating in this Promotion, participants accept these Promotion rules in their entirety.
3. Claim between 01/01/2025 and 31/12/2025.
4. In the event of the maximum of claims being received before the closing date, participants will be immediately notified that the promotion has ended upon clicking on the promotional link. No one person/household may claim more than one refund throughout the duration of the promotion.
5. PURINA ONE pet food quantities stated as minimum entry requirement for the promotion are based on recommended feeding guidelines for the average cat over a three-week period (visit https://www.purina.co.uk/cat/cat-food/purina-one for feeding guidelines).
- PURINA ONE Cat Dry 800g, 650g, 750g, 2.8kg and 3kg bag (excluding all Kitten products and 6kg bag) - 2 x 800g or 2 x 750g or 3 x 650g bag required for 3 weeks feed.
- PURINA ONE Cat Wet - Maximum 63 pouches for 3 weeks feed.
- For mixed feeding (wet and dry food): 1 x 650g, 750g or 800g PURINA ONE dry food bag + 6 x PURINA ONE wet food boxes containing 8 x 85g pouches in a box (excluding Purina ONE® Adult Cat Mini Fillets in Gravy - Mixed Selection 40x85g) for 3 weeks feed.
6. To see a visible difference, participants must feed their cat 100% Purina ONE for three weeks (21 consecutive days). Please see guidance notes on making changes to your pet’s food. These can be found at https://www.purina.co.uk/brands/purina-one/3-week-challenge
7. The offer is available across all PURINA ONE Cat Dry 800g, 750g, 650g 2.8kg and 3kg bags and Purina ONE® Cat Wet 8x85g boxes but excludes all PURINA Kitten products, Purina ONE® Adult Cat Rich in Chicken Dry Food 6kg, and Purina ONE® Adult Cat Mini Fillets in Gravy - Mixed Selection 40x85g).
8. Internet access and valid till receipts showing the purchase of the appropriate product is required. Participants must visit https://hashting.promo/direct/PURINAONE-MBG to complete an application form.
9. The offer is limited to a maximum of one (1) money back application per household with one cat per application. Multiple applications from the same household cannot be accepted even if the household has more than one cat. Cat owners can mix feed wet and dry food for three (3) weeks and still claim back if they do not see the benefits. In this case the Wet and Dry product consumed must add up to 3 weeks feed based on the feeding guidelines on pack. For mixed feeding (wet and dry food): 1 x 650g, 750g or 800g PURINA ONE dry food bag + 6 x PURINA ONE wet food boxes containing 8 x 85g pouches in a box for 3 weeks feed.
10. Only valid applications will be accepted. A valid application comprises of:
- A completed, legible, original online application form;
- Confirmation of which product was purchased (using the drop-down menu);
- A 75+ character statement stating why the applicant did not see a visible difference in their cat after 21 days of consecutive feeding with PURINA ONE.
- Your personal details including full name, email address, date of birth and bank or PayPal details.
- A photo of your itemised purchase receipt(s). Your receipt(s) must show, over a 3-week period, a maximum of:
- 2 x 800g, 2 x 750g, 3 x 650g bags, 1 x 2.8kg or 1 x 3kg for a dry food feed.
- Or 8 x 8 boxes (containing 8 x 85g pouches per pack of which 63 will be required for 3 weeks feed) for a wet food feed.
- Or 1 x 750g, 650g or 800g PURINA ONE dry food bag + 4 x PURINA ONE wet food boxes (containing 8 x 85g pouches) for a mixed (wet and dry food) feed.
- If any items are bought outside of the 3-week period, we will only cover the cost of items purchased within the 3-week period. Receipts must be between 3 weeks - 3 months old from any valid stockist and must be dated within the claim period.
- Till receipt must be uploaded in the format of PNG, BMP, or JPG/JPEG and a maximum file size limit of 20MB applies. Please keep your original itemised till receipt as it may be required to further verify a claim.
11. The Promoter reserves the right to refuse any till receipts/proof of purchases that:
- Are out of focus or blurry;
- Do not have the correct product clearly visible;
- Do not have purchase dates clearly visible;
- Do not have the store of purchase clearly visible;
- Are old, out of date, or fall outside of the stated promotional period;
- That are from Non-Participating Stores;
- The Promoter reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify any individual found to be attempting to circumvent this clause by tampering with or altering till receipts. Any attempts to submit any invalid till receipts may result in the participant’s account being frozen and possibly deleted.
12. The Promoter reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify any individual found to be tampering with or altering receipts. Any attempts to submit any invalid receipts may result in the participant’s application being frozen and possibly deleted.
13. The closing dates for receipt of all applications is 31.12.2025. No responsibility can be accepted for applications that are illegible, lost, delayed, or damaged.
14. UK, CI and IoM residents will receive a refund up to the maximum purchase value of £19.86 for Purina ONE Cat Dry, and £37.60 for the value of Purina ONE Wet. Your receipt(s) must show, over a 3-week period, a maximum of:
- 2 x 800g or 2 x 750g or 3 x 650g or 1 x 2.8kg or 1 x 3kg bags.
- Or 8 x 8 boxes (containing 8 x 85g pouches per pack of which 63 will be required for 3 weeks feed).
- Or 1 x 750g, 650g, or 800g PURINA ONE dry food bag + 6 x PURINA ONE wet food boxes (containing 8 x 85g pouches) for 3 weeks feed.
15. ROI residents will receive a refund up to the maximum purchase value of €27.41 for Purina ONE Cat Dry, and €56.96 or the value of Purina ONE Wet.
16. The RRP is for information only and the actual price is at the sole discretion of the retailer, and subject to variation across retailers.
17. Participating products must have been purchased at any store stocking the product (including online), and are subject to availability, while stocks last. Purchases made online must be delivered by no later than 23:59 on the stated closing date to qualify.
18. Any qualifying PURINA ONE packs purchased as part of a multi-buy promotion, or price reduction, will be refunded at the promotional price and not the individual/standard price.
19. Organised and/or collective participation in the Promotion will be considered as abuse and will result in the automatic exclusion from the promotion.
20. Participation is personal and nominative; in no case may the participant participate on behalf of others.
21. The Promoter reserves the right to exclude from the Promotion any participant who has provided invalid or false personal information.
22. Unfair practices such as, without limitation, scripts, software, robots or e-mail addresses, or any other process which makes it possible to automate participation without physical intervention, or, more generally, circumvention of these Promotion rules in order to participate in an unauthorised and / or fraudulent manner, are not allowed. The Promoter reserves the right to exclude any participant who violates this provision from participation in the Promotion, as well as in future promotions by the Promoter.
23. To Claim: Visit https://hashting.promo/direct/PURINAONE-MBG, click the link for your unique Claim Form, and complete by entering:
a. Your personal details including full name, email address, date of birth and bank or PayPal details.
b. A minimum of 75 characters explaining what improvements can be made to the PURINA ONE food.
c. A photo of your itemised purchase receipt. The receipt will need to show purchase of the qualifying PURINA ONE product from any valid stockist and must be dated within the claim period and be between 3 weeks – 3 months old. Till receipt must be uploaded in the format of PNG, BMP, or JPG/JPEG and a maximum file size limit of 20MB applies. Please keep your original itemised till receipt as it may be required to further verify a claim.
24. Maximum one entry per email address and mobile phone number permitted.
25. Payment account details can only be used once. Uploaded receipts must be unique and used once.
26. This is a consumer promotion only and is not open to retailers, wholesalers, trade groups, or consumer groups.
27. All claims must be received by the Claim Period closing date. Any claims received after this date will not be accepted and will not be considered a valid claim.
28. Participants will receive an email notifying them of a successful application.
29. If a claimant’s claim is valid, they will receive a refund for the cost of the purchased promotional product as shown on the submitted till receipt and up to the maximum claim value shown in Conditions 14 and 15. This will be sent by PayPal or Bank Transfer as requested by the claimant on their Claim Form. Please allow 28 days for payment from receipt of a valid claim. Applicants must ensure that their bank/PayPal details are correct, as the Promoter cannot be responsible for any payments made to the wrong account, or that cannot be made due to incorrect details being provided.
30. The Refund will be distributed to the participant by reimbursement to the bank account or PayPal account by our external partner Hashting UK Ltd.
31. In the absence of a reaction (within the deadlines), or in the event of any other infraction in any way whatsoever (for example, if it appears that the participant does not meet the conditions for participation), the Promoter reserves the right not to grant Refund.
32. Refunds cannot be exchanged for cash or other goods or services. The Refund cannot be divided and can only be accepted as it is granted to the original applicant.
33. Any qualifying products purchased as part of a multi-buy promotion, or price reduction, will be refunded at the promotional price and not the individual price.
34. The Promoter may, in its sole discretion, invalidate claims deemed to be in breach of these Terms and Conditions, contrary to the spirit of the Promotion or otherwise bring the Promotion into disrepute.
35. The Promoter reserves the right to verify the eligibility of claimants including but not limited to asking for address and identity details (which they must provide within 14 days). The Promoter may require such information as it considers reasonably necessary for this purpose and a claim may be withheld unless and until the Promoter is satisfied with the verification. The Promoter will be the final arbiter in any decisions.
36. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for lost, delayed, incorrectly submitted, illegible, incomplete, or misdirected claims or for technical failures or otherwise.
37. Claims are non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for any cash alternatives in whole or in part.
Personal Data
38. Data Protection: The Promoter will only use the personal details supplied for the administration of the promotion and the auditing of the applications where necessary and for no other purpose, unless we have your consent and you have opted-in to receive future marketing communications. As part of this promotion, if you are not opted-in into our general marketing email, you may still receive emails for this promotion only regarding your refund. Your personal details will at all times be kept confidential, and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Click here for the Promoter’s Privacy Policy: https://www.purina.co.uk/privacy . You can request access to your personal data, or have any inaccuracies rectified, or request deletion of data by sending an email to: UKI.Dataprotection@uk.nestle.com. By participating in the promotion, you agree to the use of your personal data as described here. You can withdraw your consent at any time. For the purpose of this promotion, requests to delete personal data can only be actioned after the promotion has concluded.
39. The data collected by Hashting UK Ltd, will be used for the execution of the Refund as per the Hashting privacy policy which can be found at www.hashting.com/privacy. They will also share data of those opted-in with Nestlé UK Ltd.
40. The Promoter is not responsible for any costs or expenses (such as internet connection, travel) incurred as part of the Promotion. The full cost of participation in the Promotion is borne by the participant.
41. Limitations of liability: Neither the Promoter, its agents or anyone professionally connected to the Promotion, assume any responsibility or liability for:
a. Any incorrect or inaccurate code entry, or for any faulty or failed electronic data transmissions.
b. Any unauthorised access to, or theft, destruction, or alteration of data at any point in the operation of this Promotion. Communications line failure, regardless of cause, with regards to any equipment, systems, networks, lines, satellites, servers, computers, or providers utilised in any aspect of this Promotion.
c. Inaccessibility or unavailability of the internet or the website or any combination thereof.
d. Regretfully, we cannot be held liable for system failures on the website.
42. The Promoter and / or third parties to whom it has called in the context of the Promotion are not responsible for faults and / or faults on / in or relating to the Internet, the Promotion Page or any website mentioned in these regulations, cable networks (or other relevant network), software or hardware as well as for any possible incorrect entry and / or processing of personal data.
43. The Promoter excludes for the rest all liability of the Organiser and / or third parties to which it has appealed within the framework of the Promotion, including the Refund and the Products, within the limits permitted by law.
44. In the event that this Promotion is advertised on Facebook, Instagram or other external channels, it is specifically pointed out that this Promotion is in no way sponsored, approved or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Instagram or these other external channels, which are not responsible for this.
Use of this Promotion
45. Participants are not permitted to: (i) resell or use this Promotion or its contents for commercial purposes; (ii) collect and use any product listings, descriptions, or prices; (iii) download or copy information for the benefit of another merchant; (iv) use data mining, screen scraping, or similar data-gathering and extraction tools; (v) modify the paper or digital copies of any materials you have printed off or downloaded in any way, nor (vi) use any illustrations, photographs, video or audio sequences or any graphics separately from any accompanying text.
46. Links to this promotion from third party sites are permitted only upon approval from Hashting UK Ltd. Please contact us at info@hashting.com to seek such approval.
Final Provisions
47. No element of the Promotion or relating to it may be reproduced or published without the express prior written authorisation of the Promoter.
48. If one or more provisions of these Rules of Promotion should be considered void or be cancelled in whole or in part, the rest of the provision (s) in question and the Rules of Promotion will remain fully applicable.
49. In the event of circumstances outside the Promoter’s reasonable control and only where circumstances make this unavoidable, the Promoter and those partnered with the promotion reserve the right to cancel or amend the promotion or these Terms and Conditions at any stage but will endeavour to minimise the effect to participants in order to avoid undue disappointment.
50. The participant is required to check these Promotion rules on a regular basis.
51. The Promoter also reserves the right not to attribute the Refund in the event of abuse or fraud to these rules.
52. Complaints or questions concerning these regulations and the Promotion, as well as requests in the context of the rights that participants may assert over their personal data, must be sent in writing to: Consumer Services, Nestlé Purina UK Commercial Operations Limited, Gatwick, Park House Manor Royal, Crawley RH10 9AD.
53. The Promotion and these Terms and Conditions will be governed by the laws of the participating country and any disputes as to the meaning of these Terms and Conditions will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the participant’s local courts.
54. If any of these clauses should be determined to be illegal, invalid, or otherwise unenforceable then it shall be severed and deleted from these Terms and Conditions and the remaining clauses shall survive and remain in full force and effect.
Promoter: Nestlé Purina UK Commercial Operations Limited, Nestlé House, Haxby Road, York YO31 8TA