Your Pet, Our Passion.

Tips For a Healthy Cat Pregnancy

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March 13, 2025
5 min read
Cat relaxing on owner's lap

Your cat is having kittens! While this might be exciting for you, remember that your cat will need extra care, comfort and affection when pregnant.

The Purina PetCare team have given some of their tops tips on caring for a pregnant cat, to make sure both mum and her litter are as happy and healthy as possible.

In This Article

Extra protein and energy are needed to keep your cat strong throughout pregnancy. Standard adult formula cat food is great for everyday feeding but doesn’t have the additional nutrients that mum needs. We recommend switching her back to kitten foodis needed to keep your cat strong throughout their pregnancy. Standard adult formula cat food is great for everyday feeding but won’t have the additional nutrients that mum needs. We recommend switching her back to kitten food, from the start of her pregnancy until after her kittens have been weaned.

Giving kitten formula to your pregnant cat also has benefits for her growing kittens. Not only will it mean that they get high quality milk, but it will also help them wean, as they will copy her and try some of the food she eats. Why not try one of the following formulas?

Pregnancy is a hungry time for your cat as her body is growing new lives, and typically, a pregnant cat’s food portions might double by the end of her pregnancy. You should see a steady increase in your cat’s body weight as her appetite grows. It is normal for her weight to increase by around 40-50% during pregnancy, so speak to your vet if you notice her appetite is waning or she is losing weight. Your cat should lose this excess weight during her 3-4 week nursing period.

While your cat should always have access to clean fresh water, it is even more important through pregnancy – in fact water is just as important as increasing her food intake, especially if she is on a dry food diet. Drinking lots is essential for mum to stay hydrated and healthy.

To make things easier for her to stay hydrated, have a water bowl in all areas of your home that she spends a lot of time in (possibly multiples if you are going to be out, so if she empties one, there are more!), so that it’s easy for her to get to wherever she is.

Giving your cat more frequent but smaller sized meals throughout the day will help her stay energised. You can also leave dry food out for her to snack on throughout the day, to fit in with your daily routine.

See Feeding during pregnancy and nursing for more information.

Changing your cat’s diet

Change your cat’s food slowly, by gradually adding more and more of the kitten formula to her usual food over 7-10 days until the two foods have been completely swapped over. Taking your time will help your cat avoid an upset stomach.

If your cat is on a special diet for health reasons, or has a sensitive stomach, speak to your vet before making any changes to her feeding routine.

Caring for your pregnant cat


As your cat’s pregnancy hormones come into effect, she is likely to be more loving and look for more cuddles. Love and affection is a big part of caring for a pregnant cat, but it’s also important to remember that as her body changes, you will have to be careful how you handle her.

Whilst it’s important to give your cat affection and it is safe to stroke your pregnant cat, make sure that you avoid her tummy. This area will be very sensitive, and any touching there could cause her discomfort or hurt her unborn kittens. If you do have to pick your cat up, make sure to ‘scoop’ her up from her bottom, rather than touch her stomach.


Avoid any boisterous activity towards the end of your cat’s pregnancy (such as chase games) – and let any activity be her idea – along with how much attention she wants from you. Some cats stay surprisingly active, while others want to be much quieter and avoid doing much at all. She might want all your attention, or she might want to be left alone. Let this entirely be her choice.

If you usually feed her at height (on the top of surfaces, at the top of a cat tree etc), look at ways you can keep her food at floor height. The same goes with litter trays. It might sound obvious but if you use stair gates to keep her food out of the reach of other felines, dogs or family members, the bars she used to be able to squeeze through might not be so easy now and might be uncomfortable/impossible for her.

It is important that you keep her calm however – so avoid visitors, changes to her environment (this isn’t the time to have the builders in or do DIY!), or anything that could stress her in any way.


Before breeding, it is important that your cat is up-to-date with all her vaccinations. Healthy mothers pass on immunity to their kittens through their milk, so it's good to ensure their antibody levels are at their peak. Before mating, your vet can conduct a blood test to check their anti-body levels to confirm if they need to be vaccinated or not. If this is an unexpected pregnancy, talk to your vet about this the moment you suspect your cat could possibly be pregnant.

Remember that if your cat is already expecting and her vaccinations are due, some vaccines cannot be used during pregnancy. Speak to your vet to confirm what vaccinations are safe for both mum and kittens. If your cat isn’t vaccinated when she has kittens, then don’t worry too much but speak to your vet for advice.


As worms can be passed from mum to kittens, it’s important to continue worming treatment throughout her pregnancy. You should also keep up her flea treatment – just confirm with your vet that any medication you use is safe for her and her kittens.


"Taking care of a pregnant cat is an important responsibility. You want your pet to be as comfortable and healthy as possible. Purina offers you simple tips on what you can do to help her have an easy pregnancy."




If your cat does miscarry, you’re unlikely to notice unless it is later into her term.

If you suspect your cat had miscarried (especially late in the pregnancy), take her to the vets for a check-up to make sure she is healthy and isn’t at risk of infection.

Caesarean Section

While problems during labour are rare, occasionally a caesarean section may be required. This can be the case if mum has experienced previous trauma to her pelvis (such as a fracture) or if her breed is known for an unusually large head or body size, as is the case with Persians.

Your cat may also need a Caesarean section if she is in labour but has been pushing for longer than an hour without producing kittens. If this happens, contact your vet immediately for help.


Cats are much less likely than dogs to develop a problem with low calcium during or after pregnancy (eclampsia).

However, to be safe, keep an eye on your cat in case she shows signs of twitching, nervousness and agitation – these are all signs of eclampsia which can eventually result in seizures if left untreated.

Stay Indoors

In the final two weeks of feline pregnancy, encourage your cat to stay indoors to ensure that she doesn’t deliver the kittens outside, where you may not be able to find them. You can help your cat prepare for labour by building a ‘nest’ where she can comfortably rest where you may not be able to find them. You can help your cat prepare for labour by building a ‘nest’ where she can comfortably rest and use during and after birth.

A cardboard box filled with clean sheets, bedding or towels is ideal. Make sure that the box is big and tall enough for mum and her litter to comfortably fit in, without any adventurous kittens escaping! Keep the nest in a warm place (kept at room temperature), somewhere your cat is familiar with and comfortable but that is still quiet and peaceful.

Don’t be surprised if your pregnant cat chooses a location other than the nest you have prepared to have her kittens. If this happens, don’t be afraid to move the kittens to the nest once they are born. It’s perfectly fine to handle the kittens once they have arrived - handling them will not cause your cat to abandon or injure her kittens.

Mum may pick up her kittens and bring them back into her nest once you’ve moved them, but if it is in an inconvenient or potentially dangerous place, feel free to move them again if you think they would be more comfortable elsewhere.

Make sure that the new area you move them to is kept warm and ensure that they can stay warm on the occasions when mum isn’t with them– we recommend using a microwavable beanie bag rather than a hot water bottle, so that the kittens don’t burst it with their little teeth or claws!