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30 Amazing Dog Facts

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November 26, 2020
9 min read
Brown and black dog sitting in grass field

Our dogs have always been our most loyal companions, so it's only natural that we want to know as much as we can about them. Keep reading for our top 30 dog facts that you won't believe! 

Dogs have been our best friends for thousands of years, our loyal companions and most importantly, our family. So it’s only natural that we are completely fascinated by dog facts and information. We’re utterly besotted with our four-pawed friends and want to discover absolutely everything possible about them, so when we hear a dog fact it fills us with a sense of joy and wonder. 

From why dog’s noses are wet, to the tallest dog in the world, prepare to have your mind blown with these amazing dog facts. 

In This Article

Fun facts about dogs

1. Dogs noses are wet to help absorb scent

This amazing dog fact might answer a long-standing question that dog owners have. Why are dogs’ noses wet? There are a few reasons for this. One is that the thin layer of mucus on their nose helps them capture and absorb scent (scent particles stick better to a wet nose than to a dry one), and then use their amazing 100-300 million olfactory receptors to identify and process the identity of that scent. That is aided by licking their noses (which also makes them wet) to bring the scent from their nose to the Jacobson organ that opens onto the roof of their mouth which can detect ‘undetectable’ odours like pheromones.

Wet noses also help cool a dog as they can emit a tiny amount of sweat from their nose.

2. Newfoundlands are amazing lifeguards

Newfoundland dogs are the ultimate doggy lifeguards, because they have water resistant coats and webbed feet. Even wet, they are known for being able to jump into boats from the water. They were originally bred as fisherman’s helpers and to rescue people from drowning – and this instinct persists through to today when many find employment as water rescue dogs. Nearly all Newfoundlands love to swim – although drying one is a mammoth task! 

3. The Beatles song ‘A Day in the Life’ has a frequency only dogs can hear

In an interview in 2013, Paul McCartney said that he added a frequency only dogs can hear to the end of the Beatles song ‘A Day in the Life’. So watch your dog when you play the song! It may even be true! How’s that for an amazing dog fact?

4. Three dogs survived the Titanic sinking

Did you know that three dogs survived the sinking of the Titanic? There were at least 12 dogs on board the ill-fated Titanic, and also a dog show judge. Making the most of these unlikely passengers, an impromptu dog show was planned to be held on the ship’s Grand Staircase on the 15th April 1912 but that was not to be. Three dogs survived the sinking – all belonging to First Class passengers who refused to let them stay in the ship’s kennels for the voyage. These were two Pomeranians – Lady and another whose name is unknown - and a Pekenese called Sun Yat Sen. All three were smuggled onto lifeboats hidden in blankets. Move over Rose and Jack!

5. A Bloodhound’s sense of smell can be used as evidence in court 

According to PBS, a Bloodhound’s sense of smell is so spot on that it can be admitted as evidence in a court of law. Now if you thought that was an incredible dog fact, prepare to have your mind blown. 

Bloodhounds can also follow tracks that are over 300 hours old and can stay on a trail for over 130 miles! 

6. The tallest dog in the world is 44 inches tall

The tallest dog in the world ever was a Great Dane named Zeus! Measured at 44 inches tall on October 4th 201.

7. Basenji dogs don’t bark, they yodel

If you thought all dogs barked, then prepare yourself for this dog fact. The Basenji dog doesn’t tend to bark, instead they are known to yodel, whine, or scream. 

8. A Greyhound could beat a Cheetah in a long-distance race 

A Greyhound would actually beat a Cheetah in a long-distance race! According to Psychology Today, Greyhounds are excellent long distance runners and can keep a speed of 35mph for up to 7 miles. 

Where the Cheetah is incredibly fast, it can only keep its speed for around 200 - 300 yards, so they may have the running start but it would soon be surpassed by a Greyhound! 

9. A blind man and his guide dog hiked the Appalachian Trail

According to the Washington Post, for eight months during 1990 a blind man named Bill Irwin hiked the Appalachian Trail with his guide dog, Orient helping him along the way. Dogs truly are man’s best friend. 

10. The Ewoks in Star Wars were based on a dog

If you’re a Star Wars fan you’ll love this amazing dog fact. The Los Angeles Times claims that George Lucas modelled the Ewoks after his family dog! 

11. 30% of Dalmatians are deaf in one ear

The UK Kennel Club states that 17.8% of Dalmatians in the country are affected by deafness with 13.4% being deaf in one ear and 4.4% in both. This is due to something called the extreme piebald gene which is responsible for their white coat and blue eyes (in some of them). Dalmatians with larger dark patches are less likely to be deaf.

12. The Saluki is the oldest dog breed

The Guinness World Record for the oldest dog breed is held by the Saluki. The breed dates back to 329BC and were kept as royal pets in Ancient Egypt. Reportedly, there are also carvings found in Southern Iraq of a dog that looks similar to a Saluki which dates back to 7000BC. 

13. Chow Chows and Shar-Peis have black tongues

A quick look inside the mouth of the Chow Chow and the Shar-Pei will reveal something unusual – a black tongue! The cause of these black tongues is the result of a genetic mutation. Interestingly they are born with pink tongues, and the distinctive blue/black colour develops as they age – and other animals that have the same-coloured tongues include Polar Bears and Giraffes!

14. Dogs have three eyelids

Many owners haven’t heard of this interesting dog fact, but did you know that your four-legged friend has three eyelids? The third eyelid is sometimes called the ‘haw’ or nictitating membrane, and it sweeps back and forth across the surface of the eye to keep the eye protected and lubricated.

15. The African Hunting dog is the most successful hunter in the world

The African Hunting Dog is the most successful land hunter in the world. They’re successful in 50-70% of their hunts, which makes them consistently the best mammalian hunter, they even hold the current Guinness World Record for it. 

16. The oldest dog in the world was 31.5 years old! 

Or was he? Bobi, a Portuguese purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo was crowned, in February 2023, the oldest dog in the world at 30 years and 266 days old. He has sadly passed away in October 2023 but his family credited his longevity to the calm and peaceful environment in which Bobi lived and say he always had the freedom to roam around and explore the nearby forests and farmland. Since then however, his claim has been doubted and Bobi was stripped of his title in 2024.

17. Dogs are smarter than you think 

It’s proven that dogs can understand and recognize up to 250 words and gestures, making them one of the most skilled species studied in these tasks. It has been suggested that, with training, some may even recognize and respond to more than 1,000 different words!

18. The smallest dog breed in the world is, you guessed it, a Chihuahua 

Although easy to guess, Chihuahuas are the smallest dog breed in the world, but did you know that they can weigh as little as 1 kg? They are incredibly tiny compared to the largest dog breed in the world, the Great Dane, who can weigh around 90 kg. 

19. A dog’s nose print is as unique as a human fingerprint 

If you thought a dog’s nose pattern is irrelevant, think again! Given their uniqueness, countries such as Finland use nose prints to identify dogs instead of microchips. 

20. The Saluki is the fastest dog breed in the world 

Want a dog that can keep up with Olympic-level runners? The Saluki can reach a speed of up to 43 mph, followed by the Greyhound breed, with a top speed of up to 40 mph. Take that, Usain Bolt! 

21. Laika was not the only dog used in space missions 

Two dogs, named Belka and Strelka, were sent to orbit the Earth in 1960 before being safely returned home after 27 hours. They were the first higher living creatures to have survived a trip to outer space.

22. Dogs have a natural instinct to dig 

Dogs seem to dig digging (get it?) a lot but they don’t just do it for the fun of it. In fact, digging is a natural instinct for them. They do it to create a cool place to lay down in the summer to escape the heath or a warm place to sleep in the winter. They also use it for burying food for later. Smart of them, isn’t it? 

23. Some dogs are incredibly strong 

The Alaskan Malamute is one of the strongest dog breeds in the world. Adult males can pull up to 12 times their own body weight, which is why they are often used in sled racing and other pulling competitions. 

24. Dogs have dreams too 

Scientific evidence, based on brain wave patterns, suggests that dogs may well dream just like us. You can get a good idea that your dog may be dreaming by observing their body movements and facial expressions while they sleep. It has been mooted that they would probably dream about playing or spending time with their owners.

25. The Bloodhound has the keenest sense of smell 

Bloodhounds have up to 300 million scent receptors in their noses and they can do a great job at tracking people, animals, and even lost items.

26. Dogs have a sense of time 

If you’re a dog owner, you probably noticed your canine friend starting to feel impatient when it’s getting close to their mealtime. Dogs have an internal mechanism, called circadian rhythm, that helps them tell the time; such that they know when they’re supposed to receive their food or when their owners are about to arrive home.

27. Sweating is normal for dogs too 

However, they don’t sweat in the same way we humans do. Dogs will cool themselves down partly by panting and sweating through their paw pads.

28. Dogs have over 100 facial expressions 

Understanding a dog can be made easier if you pay close attention to their facial expressions, especially the movement of their ears. So, if you ever felt like your dog was judging you or giving you the side eye, you weren’t seeing things, they probably meant it. 

29. The memory of a dog is remarkable 

It has been claimed that dogs may remember up to 250 different places and people, and that they can even remember events from years ago.

30. A dog starred in more than 20 films 

Rin Tin Tin, a German Shepherd dog, rescued by an American soldier during World War 1, became famous by starring in more than 20 Hollywood films. He was trained to perform various stunts and tricks and his legacy lived on long after his death, with his offspring continuing to appear in various movies and TV shows. How’s that for a family of stars? 

So that’s our list of our top 30 most amazing dog facts! What did you think? Were you blown away by our facts, or maybe there’s an interesting dog fact you know that we didn’t mention? Let us know over on our Facebook page

To continue being wowed, why not take a look at our Top 14 Fun Facts about Cats article? We promise you won’t regret it. 

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