When you get a new cat, one thing usually takes more time and thought than others, and that’s choosing a name. Whether you’re into fun cat names or want it to be a pun, a nerdy reference to pop culture, or simply something that sounds cute, it’s best to keep it short and sweet! Above all, picking a name should reflect your cat’s appearance and personality so start with that in mind.
Is your feline friend a fan of napping or kicking things off the table? Go for a name that reflects this quirk. You can’t really go wrong with naming your cat something simple and appropriate but in case you’re out of ideas, we prepared a list of fun cat names you can choose from. Check it out and maybe you’ll even draw some inspiration from it.
5 Fun female cat names
This is perfect name for fluffy cats like Persian or Ragdoll since the extra fluffiness and adorable looks make them look as sweet as a muffin. The best thing about this name is that you have the option to go the extra mile, turn it into Muffy for additional tenderness or add ‘Slayer’ for an amusing twist. While this is sure to put a smile on anyone’s face, it will also earn you some points with your movie buff friends.
Choosing a seemingly human name for your cat is funny in and of itself but going for a pun that references their magnificent hair means going above and beyond in trying to be not only original but also creative. Not a good choice for a hairless cat, though, unless you’re into irony, then, by all means, go for it.
Is your cat as bold and free-spirited as Lizzie Bennet, Jane Austen’s protagonist in Pride and Prejudice? Show your appreciation for the literary arts and use this name for your fur baby, odds are that she will live up to it, being as all cats have that genetic predisposition to independence.
One of the best fun female cat names is Bubbles and it’s a great one for a feline that’s fond of all things bubbly – be it her personality or her love of water (which admittedly isn’t very common but there are a few cats that have this quirk). It would also suit a mischievous cat as trying to tell her off by saying her name angrily will surely result in a few smiles. Alternative nicknames can include Bubba, Bubs, or Bubzilla.
Want to have a kick out of confusing everybody? Name your new cat something that would throw them off completely when mentioning your pet’s name in a conversation. Birdie would suit any adventurous cat that loves to wander around and jump from cupboard to table as graciously as a flying dove.
5 Fun male cat names
Popular among pet owners everywhere, Frodo is a name that’s simple and fun. Of course, it’s also a favourite among all J.R.R. Tolkien fans whose ultimate comfort pastime is spending hours on end rewatching or re-reading Lord of the Rings. It’s difficult to explain exactly why, but most people would agree that a cat called Frodo is most likely to be a Norwegian Forest, given their wise and observant personality, as well as their height and size. And yes, although seemingly short, Frodo is said to have been taller than most hobbits so there’s no disputing that.
If your cat reigns supreme in your household while constantly boasting a smug and puffed-up attitude, then Caesar would fit him perfectly. It’s not all superiority associated with the Caesar name, but also loyalty and bravery, which makes it one of the best fun male cat names there is. And that’s not all. Caesar also means “to be hairy” or to have a “head full of hair” so even more reason to pick it for your furry friend.
Got a sweet one? Nothing like a Spanish dessert name to perfectly describe the delightful personality of your feline. And since Churros are traditionally served with cinnamon, it would work great as a compound name such as Cinnamon-Churro if you want to go for a longer and cuter version. If you have a ginger cat, this food-inspired name is sure to fit the bill.
Another fun punny name, Catsby, or Jay Catsby, or even The Great Catsby needs no further explanation as it’s sure to ring a bell with anyone who has the slightest literary knowledge. It’s a great pick for a cat that has a mysterious side, keeps to himself, and loves all things lavish. Think Himalayan cat, Persian cat, Main Coon – all distinguished breeds that look like they’re secretly plotting something at all times.
Now this name doesn’t need a lot of background. It’s a name fit for a gourmand that loves his treats more than anything in the world. It can also be a Star Wars reference, pointing to the famously fuzzy Chewbacca, the faithful and adorable friend we all wish we had.
Now that you have some fun cat names to choose from, learn all there is to know about bringing a kitten home for the first time.