Welcome to the Purina Dog Breed Selector
Already know which breed you want? Find it in our Dog Breed Library.
Want to get some real life experience? Read other dog owners' stories here.
Whether you already know the breeds you like or need a bit of guidance, we’re here to help pair you with your ideal four-legged friend.
And please, keep in mind: every pet deserves a loving home. While you’re exploring different breeds, you might also consider adopting a pet in need. At Purina, we've partnered with a number of organisations to help support pet adoption.

At Purina, we believe that the bond between people and pets helps create a better society. Owning a dog can mean years of a happy and fulfilling life together, but it is your responsibility, for the sake of both you and your dog, to find the right match.
All dogs have their own, unique personalities, but some instincts and behaviours they’re born with, depending on their breed group. If a pup’s breed is likely to be an avid noisy maker, they can learn to be quieter but you need to be prepared to invest time and kindness in hours of education, as being quiet may go against their nature. Our breed selector can help you to match the natural predisposition in a dog to your lifestyle. If you and your dog enjoy similar things, you will be more likely to live a happy, fulfilling life together.
At Purina, we’ve brought together experts in pet nutrition, health, and dog behaviour, ensuring that our dog breed selector is asking the right questions to help find the right dog for you.
Opting for cross-breed dogs that combine the appearance and personality of two different pure breeds is also a good option, even if it can be trickier to be sure which breed will contribute more to your dog’s looks and personality. Mixed breeds, also known as mongrels, cross-bred dogs or “purebred mutts”, come from a largely non-pedigree background, with the advantage of a wider genetic pool often making them healthier. Pet shelters and rescue organizations are a great source of pure breeds and mixed breeds looking for loving homes. And, the shelter’s caring staff will help you find the dog that will touch your heart and match your needs. See our guides on dog adoption for more information.
We understand how the bond between people and pets differs from one family to another; that’s why we'll show you which breeds seem most suited to your preferences, as well as those which might not be. Hopefully, this tool will assist you or give you ideas to steer you in the right direction.