Family-friendly: | 4/5 |
Exercise needs: | 2/5 |
Easy to train: | 4/5 |
Tolerates being alone: | 1/5 |
Likes other pets: | 4/5 |
Energy level: | 3/5 |
Grooming needs: | 3/5 |
Shedding: | 3/5 |
French Bulldogs are classed as brachycephalic; problems associated with the condition include;
- Brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome: a condition in brachycephalic breeds (those with a short nose and squashed face) where breathing is obstructed and can lead to reduced ability to exercise, or even severe respiratory distress.
- Skin inflammation/infection: brachycephalic breeds have a short nose and a normal amount of facial tissue. This means there is often excess skin around their face which leads to skin folds. The skin inside these folds can become sore and infections are prone to develop.
- Eye ulcers: ulcers are painful erosions on the surface of the eye. They are more common in brachycephalic breeds due to their conformation, as their eyes tend to be more bulbous.
The breed is also prone to:
- Patellar luxation
- Hereditary cataracts which is a condition where the lens in the eye becomes cloudy and this can result in blindness.
- Intervertebral disc disease a condition where there us abnormality in the discs which act to cushion the bones in the spine.
- Degenerative myelopathy which is a condition which causes progressive paralysis in a dog's hind limbs.
- Hyperuricosuria¹ which is a condition where a substance called uric acid can build up in the urinary system, sometimes forming stones, and this can result in infections.
Priority Kennel Club health schemes and testing:
- Respiratory function grading scheme
The Frenchie is an enchanting looking little dog with the appearance of a miniaturised but bat-eared Bulldog, and has the same flat face, short tail and smooth, short coat — but in a much smaller package. While small, they are muscular with a heavy bone-structure and strong legs. As for their coats, the French Bulldog colours can be quite varied, from black to white and tan, to chocolate or even lilac, although the latter is not very common.
Even though they might give the impression of being highly athletic due to their bulky appearance and while they might enjoy some exercise, Frenchies can sometimes be champion couch potatoes.
This is a friendly, good-natured, playful dog, who makes an ideal affectionate and fun companion or family dog that’s as happy living in towns and cities as they are in the countryside. The French Bulldog temperament is hard to pin down as it can range from peppy and playful to straight up chilled out. Plus, Frenchies are not usually excessive barkers, so they make excellent apartment pets.
They’re also known to enjoy playtime as much as long naps, and you can always count on them to be exploring and having a natural curiosity about everything surrounding them. Despite their goofiness, they are very intelligent creatures that love human contact and can easily be trained.
This is a courageous breed who think they are many times bigger than they actually are - and can on occasions find themselves in conflict with other dogs who can’t read their flat face and lack of tail.
A French Bulldog would suit an owner who lives in a smaller space and who doesn’t want to have to give their dog a lot of exercise, but enjoys plenty of games and interaction in the home. They probably shouldn’t object to snoring either…
Family-friendly: | 4/5 |
Exercise needs: | 2/5 |
Easy to train: | 4/5 |
Tolerates being alone: | 1/5 |
Likes other pets: | 4/5 |
Energy level: | 3/5 |
Grooming needs: | 3/5 |
Shedding: | 3/5 |
The French Bulldog is originally descended from the Toy Bulldog, a miniaturised version of the British Bulldog, and a breed that was popular with the lace-makers of Nottingham. During the industrial revolution, many relocated to France and took their dogs with them. Here the breed changed, possibly with the inclusion of other breeds including the Pug and some terriers, resulting in the French Bulldog we know and love today.
While all French Bulldogs have bat-like ears now, there used to be a time early in the breed’s history when they also had ‘rose’ ears, similar to an English Bulldog’s. However, after a heated debate between American and French bulldog fans regarding the breed standard, it was decided that the bat-eared French Bulldog, preferred by the French, would become the standard.
Frenchie owners need to be aware of the costs involved – many French Bulldogs will grow up to require expensive surgery to help them breath, and that is not the only health problem they regularly suffer from. Ensure you have a good insurance policy and savings. Otherwise, Frenchies are fun to train and relatively easy to live with, grooming requirements are low except for cleaning wrinkles, eyes and teeth, and their exercise requirements are very manageable (beware even warm overcast days however, they do not cope well with heat).
The Frenchie doesn't require very much exercise compared with some breeds and about an hour's exercise daily should suffice. Do ensure that they are protected from the heat, as due to their flat face they can suffer heat exhaustion and respiratory distress if exercised in warm weather. Exercise them in the early morning and late evening in the summer and avoid using dog clothes, especially during hot or humid weather.
The Frenchie doesn’t need a lot of space so is as happy living in a flat as in a house with a garden, as long as they have access to the outdoors for exercise and toileting. If you’re working from home, the mischievous goofballs would be happy to just curl up in a small space at your feet.
Because of their small face, French Bulldogs have a tendency to make a lot of noise like grunting, snoring loudly, or wheezing, so sharing a small space with one can be nerve-wracking if you have a low tolerance for such sounds.
Small dogs have a fast metabolism, meaning they burn energy at a high rate, although their small stomachs mean that they must eat little and often. Small-breed foods are specifically designed with appropriate levels of key nutrients and smaller kibble sizes to suit smaller mouths. This also encourages chewing and improves digestion. Proper nutrition along with care can contribute to a French Bulldog lifespan reaching 14 years.
The short, close, glossy coat requires minimal grooming — a weekly brush is more than enough. However, the facial wrinkles do need regular cleaning too, and the ears can also be prone to problems, and will need frequent checks and regular attention. For their ears, always use a damp warm cloth and cotton swabs around the dog’s ear canal. If you notice any skin damage that could point to a health issue, make sure to contact a trusted vet.
Frenchies, like some other breeds, will need nail trimming as they don’t naturally wear their nails down so it’s best to do this every couple of weeks.
The French Bulldog is never going to be an obedience champion, or excel in your local training class, but with patience and reward-based training, they can easily master the basic exercises like sit, down, recall and walking on a lead and harness.
As generally free thinkers, they’re known to be quite stubborn at times so training them will require some effort. One thing that doesn’t fail to pique their interest is the possibility of fun and food, so if you’re using interactive enrichment games and keeping them motivated, they’re sure to be much more interested in the training process.
The French Bulldog can happily fit into family life and gets on well with older children, although may not be a great fit for an active sporty family or a family with younger children.
While many dogs are traditionally thought of as being good with children, all dogs and children need to be taught to get on with, and respect each other, and be safe together. Even so, dogs and young children should never be left alone together, and adults should supervise all interactions between them.
Can French Bulldogs be left alone during the day?
With training, French Bulldogs could be left alone for up to 4-6 hours, however, they don’t take this very well as they were bred to be human companions and are prone to separation anxiety.
Are French Bulldogs hard to potty train?
French Bulldogs are not the easiest when it comes to training, but with patience and persistence, they can be potty trained in a few months.
Are French Bulldogs good for beginners?
Yes, French Bulldogs are a great choice for a first-time pet owner as they are adaptable and require less exercise than larger breeds.
Do French Bulldogs bark a lot?
No, French Bulldogs are a pretty quiet breed as barking is usually minimal, making them perfect for apartment living.