Family-friendly: | 4/5 |
Exercise needs: | 5/5 |
Easy to train: | 1/5 |
Tolerates being alone: | 3/5 |
Likes other pets: | 4/5 |
Energy level: | 5/5 |
Grooming needs: | 4/5 |
Shedding: | 5/5 |
The Pyrenean Mountain Dog is generally a hardy breed but can be prone to:
- Hip dysplasia
- Panosteitis
- Laryngeal paralysis¹, a condition where nerve damage develops in the vocal cords and this can lead to problems breathing.
- Deafness²
- Multifocal retinopathy³ which is a disease affecting the back of the eye which may lead to vision loss but may also not cause any signs.
Priority Kennel Club health schemes and testing:
- Hip dysplasia screening scheme
¹H. Vandenberghe, 'Juvenile‐onset polyneuropathy in American Staffordshire Terriers', 2018, Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine
²G. M. Strain, 'Genetics of Deafness in Dogs', 2015, Fronteers in Veterinary Science
³B. H. Grahn, 'Multifocal retinopathy of Great Pyrenees dogs', 1998, Veterinary Ophthalmology
Whilst Pyreneans can make affectionate and loving companions to their families, they are inclined toward aggression to strange dogs, particularly those of a similar size. Strangers will be at best mistrusted and at worst, a Pyrenean may react aggressively to those they deem unwelcome and threatening, so careful socialisation and training is advised.
Often described as headstrong and stubborn, the reality is that this is a bred long bred for a willingness to use aggression if they think necessary and an independent nature, ready to make decisions for themselves without the input of their owners. This means they really are not suitable for first-time owners as they are hard to motivate in training and must be managed very carefully.
Family-friendly: | 4/5 |
Exercise needs: | 5/5 |
Easy to train: | 1/5 |
Tolerates being alone: | 3/5 |
Likes other pets: | 4/5 |
Energy level: | 5/5 |
Grooming needs: | 4/5 |
Shedding: | 5/5 |
From the French side of the Pyrenean Mountains, the exact history of the breed is unknown, but we do know they have been used as a livestock guardian breed to protect sheep and cattle grazing the mountains for millennia. Fossils suggestive of this breed type predating the Bronze Age (1800-1000BC) have been found.
These dogs were generally taken as very young puppies (sometimes as young and four or five weeks old) and placed with the sheep so that they will think of them as family and bond very closely to them - and then will protect them. They were often helped in this job by being given a fearsome looking spiked iron collar to help protect their throat from wolf attacks.
Exactly which breeds contributed to the Pyrenean Mountain Dog are unknown, but it is likely that the Kuvasz of Hungary, the Anatolian Sheepdog of Turkey, and the Maremma Sheepdog of Italy were involved, all being very similar types with a similarly long history. Prior to the French Revolution, the Pyrenean was also used to guard French Chateaus and these dogs were also used by smugglers in the late 19th century, as they could carry heavy backpacks of forbidden goods across the Pyrenees, taking paths impassable to humans and so avoiding customs or checkpoints. And even if officials did spot them, nobody was going to argue with a dog this big!
Ideal owners of Pyreneans are extremely experienced with Livestock Guardian Breeds, are happy to live with an aloof breed that wants to be outdoors most of the time, and can safely manage their dog by ensuring they never meet strangers (or simply, don’t have any visitors). The Pyrenean is an extreme guardian breed that has very little interest in working with their owner, no matter how strong the bond, and as such is very hard to train. Their original job is not something they are trained for - it is instinctive and those instincts are strong. Best suited to remote rural dwellers with excellent fencing.
Exercising puppies must be done very gradually to avoid putting excess strain on their growing bones and tender tissues and, even with the adult dog, care must taken to build up exercise gradually. Having said that, for their size they really do not need copious amounts of exercise, but, in time, should be given free running off the lead as well as regular controlled walks.
The Pyrenean is big, tall and long and with a heavy coat that picks up water and dirt. You’ll need a large house with a large garden and extremely secure, ideally double, fencing. You cannot stop a Pyrenean from guarding; therefore, you must ensure they feel no need to do so by using solid fencing. 50kg of guarding Pyrenean hitting a fence can do some real damage and should they escape they can cause serious accidents.
Livestock guardian breeds do not fare well when loose surrounded by strangers. Suitable for remote rural living, with plenty of secure space to run and play. Pyreneans living in highly populated built-up areas are likely to feel very stressed and unhappy and will take serious management to keep safe.
Giant-breed dogs, as well as having giant appetites, benefit from a different balance of minerals and vitamins, supporting different joint and cartilage needs. The Pyrenean is prone to bloating and stomach problems; try feeding smaller, more frequent meals to help minimise the risk.
It is necessary to brush or comb this breed thoroughly once or even twice a day to remove loose hairs. This becomes even more important during the moulting times. Failure to do this will result in the coat matting and the dog's coat looking dull and unhealthy. Early habituation to the groomer’s salon is crucial unless you are prepared to groom this dog yourself for their entire life. Trying to get an adult Pyr to accept grooming by a stranger is unlikely to go well and many groomers will not entertain a dog of this size who is anything less than relaxed!
The Pyrenean is not inclined to enjoy training for training sake, so whilst they can and should be trained it will always be a work in progress and owners must take great care to keep up that effort. It is vital that puppies are well socialised and habituated to the life they will lead with their owners and life skills such as handling, walking on a harness and lead and recall should be worked on early and be ongoing as they will grow into a 10 stone giant, and so if training isn’t started from a very early age, you will often find yourself arguing with a dog who may well weigh more than you do!
It must be understood that this dog is a lifestyle dog, requiring you to live a lifestyle that suits the dog, rather than attempting to change their nature to suit your life!
Whilst the Pyrenean can be affectionate and friendly with their own family, they are not advised for homes with children, as children tend to mean other visiting children. Better suited to child-free homes or those with adult children only.
While many dogs are traditionally thought of as being good with children, all dogs and children need to be taught to get on with and respect each other, and be safe together. Even so, dogs and young children should never be left alone together and adults should supervise all interactions between them.