Get to know D-Bo
American Bulldog , 6 years old
My favourite thing about D-Bo is...
Best dog for my grandkids. Very protective of all children. Very well behaved dog. I actually take him every where I go. Great snuggle buddy and support dog.
The biggest challenge with D-Bo is...
Very hungry dog. Even shares my salads with me. Storms flip him out. Vet put him on meds for thunderstorms.
The most surprising thing about owning a American Bulldog is...
How much of a family dog he is. How good he listens in well he gets along with all animals
What I wish I’d known about American Bulldog s is...
Really nothing out of sorts to report. All around epic dog
Did you know?
American Bulldogs are bigger and faster than their British counterparts. Due to their powerful hind legs, they are able to jump as high as 2 metres.