Your Pet, Our Passion.

Bonjour from Bertie

Bedlington Terrier, 3 years old

🌳 Countryside dog
🍷 Lives with adults only

My favourite thing about Bertie is...

His cheeky little character he loves to okay with his toys and other dogs.

The biggest challenge with Bertie is...

Is trying to get him to eat his meals he can be really fussy and I have to change up his meals a lot.

The most surprising thing about owning a Bedlington Terrier is...

How much he loves to watch cars pass the house and sleep in strange places around the house

What I wish I’d known about Bedlington Terriers is...

How much grooming is required to keep their coat looking it’s best

Did you know?

The Bedlington is affectionate and full of fun, being loyal and gentle to their owners. They are however very much a typical terrier, and can be rather reactive as well as acting as an effective watchdog, being quite courageous once roused. In general, they will be fairly placid if they are receiving a regular amount of mental and physical stimulation.


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