Say Hello to Chewy
Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), 8 years old
My favourite thing about Chewy is...
Chewy is in firm belief that he is king of the sofa. None of other dogs are allowed on it . Any food brought to the sofa he feels he has a right to get share. He also loves a good sing along. All blankies belong to him.
The biggest challenge with Chewy is...
He was born with a cleft palate and was unable to feed from his mother. We sought help from a vet and breeder only to be told euthanasia was the only option. Not willing to give up we hand fed him puppy formula every 2 hours for several weeks. When it time for solid food it had to be no bigger than quarter of a penny for him to manage it. Soft foods were impossible as they clogged his airways.
The most surprising thing about owning a Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) is...
We found that more hair came from a smooth coat than a long coat. However when brushed regularly it wasn’t an issue. Chihuahuas have a bad reputation for being nippy or yappy,thats not true. It all comes down to how they are raised . They are very affectionate and love cuddles. There are very easy to train as they love your attention. The more time you give to them ,the more you get in return
What I wish I’d known about Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) is...
How comical they can be, when they want your attention they will make sure they get it. If you’re watching a movie and they want you ,they will climb on you and block the tv until they get what they want, on the laptop,they will sit on the keyboard. If they feel cold they will climb inside your shirt with you to keep warm. They love way beyond their size.
Did you know?
The Chihuahua is famous for being the smallest dog in the world.