Your Pet, Our Passion.

Hola from Ralph

Cockapoo, 8 years old

🏠 Suburbs dog
🍷 Lives with adults only

My favourite thing about Ralph is...

His cheekiness! Ralph is extremely caring and loves to be around people, he gives lots of hugs and enjoys playing with his toys. Ralph carries his tennis ball on every walk, and loves to show it off to other doggies! We think he tries to make them jealous! Haha! Ralph is gentle natured, and always makes me laugh! He is a character, with his own personality which is absolutely brilliant!

The biggest challenge with Ralph is...

He knows when you put on your socks, it usually means it’s time to walkies! He can be a little stubborn when he wants to walk a certain route, he will try his hardest to go that way! He has often tricked family members who have looked after him to walk him another time round the block! His cuteness means he gets away with it!

The most surprising thing about owning a Cockapoo is...

How caring and considerate they are, we don’t have any children at present however Ralph is excellent with all members of our family. He loves company but equally likes to chill out some days on his own. Cockapoos have a lot of energy so enjoy a game of fetch the odd time. They seem to recognise the same breed and always seem to end up with paws intertwined in what is known as the cockapoo cuddle!

What I wish I’d known about Cockapoos is...

How fantastic they are, I would have got one sooner! I didn’t have any pets growing up, but I now can’t imagine life without my best friend!

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