Your Pet, Our Passion.

Greetings from Yani

English Setter & Brittany, 8 years old

🌳 Countryside dog
🍷 Lives with adults only
Yani was adopted!

He came from Zante Strsys.

My favourite thing about Yani is...

He Loves cuddles

The biggest challenge with Yani is...

He's scared of football on TV

The most surprising thing about owning a English Setter & Brittany is...

Beautiful spotty markings

What I wish I’d known about English Setters & Brittanys is...

Needs lots of love

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All about Brittanys
Everything you need to know before getting a Brittany, all in one place.
English Setter
All about English Setters
Everything you need to know before getting an English Setter, all in one place.
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