Your Pet, Our Passion.

Meet India

German Short-Haired Pointer, 5 years old

🌳 Countryside dog
🍷 Lives with adults only

My favourite thing about India is...

Her energy, athleticism and all-round friendliness. How she loves to have her head out of the window in the car. How she gets me out of the house. How spending time with her makes all problems disappear for a moment. Belly rubs.

The biggest challenge with India is...

Leaving her alone, and keeping her exercised enough to tire her out.

The most surprising thing about owning a German Short-Haired Pointer is...

How unbelievably friendly and tolerant they are with all dogs and people.

What I wish I’d known about German Short-Haired Pointers is...

They have extremely serious separation anxiety, and need training on this from a very early age.

Did you know?

The German Shorthaired Pointer was originally known as the Deutscher Kurzhariger Vorstehhund.

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German Shorthaired Pointer
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Everything you need to know before getting a German Shorthaired Pointer, all in one place.
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