Your Pet, Our Passion.

Get to know Kitana

Great Dane, 1 Year old

🏠 Suburbs dog
🍷 Lives with adults only

My favourite thing about Kitana is...

She is very vocal and tries telling me she wants something. She spends more time laying on her back with her legs in the air, than she does upright. the crazy zoomies she does randomly, throughout the day.

The biggest challenge with Kitana is...

Keeping things she is not allowed out of her reach. For a dog that can drink out of the bathroom sink while standing with all 4 feet on the floor, she can reach anything and everything.

The most surprising thing about owning a Great Dane is...

They don’t take up as much space as people think, and are happy to share your space, including sitting on your lap.

What I wish I’d known about Great Danes is...

They love nothing more than company and to be loved. To have a Great Dane is to have a shadow, a shadow that will never fail to love and protect you.

Did you know?

  • They are known as gentle giants, bred for their docility. Their deep powerful bark being far worse than their, pretty much non-existent, bite.
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