Your Pet, Our Passion.

Let us introduce Mojito

Havanese, 14 years old

🌳 Countryside dog
🍼 Lives with children
Mojito is a Purina puppy!

Mojito is owned by Alistair, Purina's Shopper Marketing Lead.

My favourite thing about Mojito is...

He sits on the back of sofas whilst watching through the windows. He is very nosey and inquisitive, always making friends with any other dog...apart from Black or Chocolate Labradors who he barks at!. He is lovable and friendly being the perfect dogs to have around children. He doesn't moult or excessively bark, doesn't require excessive walking and is remarkably well tempered.

The biggest challenge with Mojito is...

He has a penchant for plastic bags or handbags so he has been known to cock his legs at inappropriate times. As he gets older he is becoming slightly more stubborn, but that is only to be expected of a senior animal . He also seems incessantly hungry so we have had to be strict with diet and treats to stop him becoming overweight.

The most surprising thing about owning a Havanese is...

They have an amazing temperament and are genuinely so loving. They love nothing better than a cuddle and are always happy to sit on your lap or the back of the sofa close to you. They don't like to be away from people for too long and will always welcome you home with a wagging tail.

What I wish I’d known about Havaneses is...

You need to keep them well groomed, taking them to a professional groomers about once every two months. You need to brush them every day to stop them getting knots in their fur and if they've been on a long walk across the fields you may well have to bath them. Mojito liked to roll in fox poo and also eat horse poo so we had to keep him away from both of those on country walks.

Did you know

Havanese have long been popular with the rich and famous, from Queen Victoria and Charles Dickens, to Venus Williams, Susan Sarandon, Jane Fonda and Jennifer Love Hewitt. The popularity of this still relatively rare breed cannot be called a modern trend!

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