Your Pet, Our Passion.

Get to know Ralph

Labradoodle, 2 years old

🏠 Suburbs dog
🍼 Lives with children

My favourite thing about Ralph is...

His confidence and bouncy, relaxed walk when out exploring, and his enthusiasm at greeting us - usuallly with a toy in his mouth.

The biggest challenge with Ralph is...

Counter surfing! Boundary training and management are ongoing but we do need to be vigilant in the kitchen and not leave him unsupervised for too long!

The most surprising thing about owning a Labradoodle is...

How quickly they learn things. Great news when training, but you do need to change things up and keep on teaching new things to keep life interesting and fun for you both.

What I wish I’d known about Labradoodles is...

The Labrador genes they have make them very food-motivated. This can be useful in training, but beware things left on a kitchen counter, supposedly out of reach. Labradoodle long legs make them an ideal height to reach forbidden treats. Once they realise they can do this, they will do it more often as it is so rewarding for them.

Did you know?

Labradoodles make great therapy dogs. Their warm personality is often a match for people with autism or physical disabilities.

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