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Say Hello to Kika

Rottweiler, 3 years old

🌳 Countryside dog
🍷 Lives with adults only

My favourite thing about Kika is...

How she loves to watch television. She takes it all in. If there is something that excites her she picked her Kong bone up and shakes it at the tv while jumping around. She has her favourite adverts and knows as soon as it starts the music. One of her favourites features a cartoon rabbit ! The other a highland cattle on a bike.

The biggest challenge with Kika is...

Understanding the rottie growls. Some noises are just talking like when you are tickling her belly as she lays upside down and some a real growls like when you touch her feet.

The most surprising thing about owning a Rottweiler is...

How loving they can be. How protective. How funny they are. How cute they can look.

What I wish I’d known about Rottweilers is...

They need a lot of touch training from young to ensure you can touch their feet and go over their body like at a show so you can inspect for lumps and any injuries etc. what I really wish I had known earlier in my life though is how easy, and undemanding they are to live with than my other chosen, but beloved breed. They can be chewers while young but they grow out of it.

Did you know?

While often the subject of bad press, Rottweilers can make fabulous working dogs and can excel in a variety of jobs. For example, Gunner, a search and rescue Rottweiler received the AKC Hero Dog Award for his lifesaving work at the World Trade Centre disaster in New York. 

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