Your Pet, Our Passion.

Get to know Toddler

Saluki, 13 years old

🌳 Countryside dog
🍷 Lives with adults only
Toddler was adopted!

My favourite thing about Toddler is...

When we got her she would climb into a large crate and walk along the window sill. She loves putting her head on your knee when you’re poorly, I had a knee replacement and she wouldnt' leave my side. She had a bad start in life and still suffers but has the biggest heart for her family.

The biggest challenge with Toddler is...

Letting people see at her - she wants too but was hurt as a pup and hasn't forgot the cruel treatment.

The most surprising thing about owning a Saluki is...

They are so shy.

What I wish I’d known about Salukis is...

You need patience.

Did you know?

Prized by their royal owners in ancient Egypt, their death would be marked by a period of deep mourning and they would often be mummified wearing their ornate hunting collars. The famous boy king Tutankhamun is shown in his tomb with his favourite hounds - which all appear to be Salukis.

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