Say Hello to Sandy
Shetland Sheepdog, 4 years old
My favourite thing about Sandy is...
Sandy is very clever, loyal, loving and knows exactly how to make himself look cute. He loves to snuggly up to me and be cuddled. When we go for a walk he loves to run around the woods that we go to, he loves life and lives it to the full.
The biggest challenge with Sandy is...
Barking, unfortunately Shelties are known for barking. However as he is a sheepdog it is natural for him to bark as he is protecting his family.
The most surprising thing about owning a Shetland Sheepdog is...
. When walking a Sheltie it’s surprising how long a walk can take as so many stop you to make a fuss of them. This is because Shelties are bright, very intelligent, pretty and they love life.
What I wish I’d known about Shetland Sheepdogs is...
How much they bark and how excited they can be.