Work towards a waste-free future
We're dedicated to reducing waste and reducing our climate impact.
- By 2025, our ambition is that 100% of our packaging will be recyclable or reusable.
- By 2030, new circular ingredient solutions will be integrated in our product portfolio (baseline 2021).
With our new Purina commitments, we have broadened the scope and set out a new ambition.
Guided by the Planetary Boundaries Framework (Stockholm Resilience Center) we have looked at the areas that our business impacts the most and have established targets for 6 out of the 9 planetary boundaries. As there is interconnectivity between the boundaries, our actions aim to positively impact on planetary health holistically to ultimately contribute to the regeneration of our planet.
Why it's important
Global production of plastics increased from 2 million metric tons annually in 1950 to over 350 million metric tons today. Of the plastic packaging used for food, including petfood, and beverages, some can end up in the natural environment, particularly in rivers and oceans causing harm to ecosystems. Although plastic packaging plays an important role in delivering high-quality pet food to consumers in a safe and convenient way, we are looking for new ways to enable the disposal of packaging in a responsible way. Ultimately, throughout our manufacturing process we want to work towards a circular economy. You can read more on what the basic theory of circular economy is below.
Addressing the problem of plastic pollution requires us to take an inclusive and joined-up approach. In line with this we are taking steps in:
- Developing Packaging of the Future.
- Shaping a Waste-Free Future.
- Driving New Behaviour and Understanding.
Going forward we will focus on reducing single-use packaging with the ambition that 100% of our packaging is recyclable or reusable by 2025, and we aim to also reduce the use of virgin plastics by one third during the same time period.
We are working on reducing both the number of different material layers and the complexity of those materials to make our packaging easier to recycle.
Another way to contribute to shaping a waste-free future, is the integration of new circular ingredient solutions into our product portfolio. Products like Purina ADVENTUROS where we piloted an initiative in the Netherlands using surplus grains from a brewery, that might otherwise have been left to spoil, is an example of helping to reduce waste and making a step towards a more circular economy.
Circular economy solutions are all about reducing waste used in our manufacturing process. This is includes packaging waste and also energy and ingredient waste. For example you might have a compost bin at home. So, when you peel potatoes for your Sunday dinner the peel is not going to waste, but straight into the compost bin where it retains a purpose to help nourish the soil.
Similarly, we want to make the best use of ingredients. An example of this would be our pilot in the Netherlands for Purina AdVENTuROS, where surplus grains from a brewery, that might otherwise be left to spoil, were saved and used in the product, helping to reduce waste.
In the pet food industry we use as well animal by-products in our recipes. These ingredients such as llver and other organs have a high nutritional value providing high amounts of protein among other things that pets can enjoy . Using by-products also means that we are retaining the value of potential waste from the animal agriculture industry, through using ingredients that are not as frequently used for human consumption.
By 2025, our ambition is that 100% of our Purina packaging will be reusable or recyclable and by 2030, new circular ingredient solutions will be integrated in our product portfolio.
Purina Europe
Building on Nestlé's Purpose
Just as we are committed to improving the lives of pets and the people who love them, our parent company Nestlé, is committed to enhancing quality of life and contributing to a healthier future for individuals and families, starting with our communities and the planet.
Gourmet Mon Petit Recyclable Pouch
In May 2022 we launched our first recyclable pouch on our Gourmet, Mon Petit range.
This new packaging was introduced to more than 20 countries across Europe, including the UK, Ireland, Belgium and Italy. This marks an important step in Purina’s path towards 100% reusable or recyclable packaging by 2025. This journey will continue in early 2023 with the introduction of packaging that is recyclable for the Felix Soup range.
These new pouches address a long-standing challenge for manufacturers – how to provide consumers with simpler plastic structures that are easier to recycle without compromising on product taste, quality and safety.
The improved packaging is made of a type of plastic (Polypropylene) which is recyclable in most markets, whilst still retaining the material qualities needed to offer the high quality and safety we pride ourselves in.
These pouches can be recycled at large supermarkets throughout the UK.
To help better recycling infrastructure in the UK, we are working collaboratively with industry, local and national governments. One recent development has been the launch of the Felxible Plastic Fund which Purina, as part of Nestle, has co-funded with other companies across the industry. The Fund aims to make flexible plastic recycling economically viable for recyclers. To find out more, click here.