Your Pet, Our Passion.

Petfood Raw Materials Specialist @Purina

Purina Ingredients

Purina Ingredients

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Do you use any artificial colours in your dry pet food? If so, are they harmful?

Purina committed to remove artificial colours from our pet food products. This goal is achieved ahead of time. Today, all artificial colours have been removed from our meals and snacks.

These artificial colours have been replaced by colours that occur in nature; these are taken from plant, animal, and mineral sources. Through appropriate technical processing (such as heating or extraction), these colours can then be used in food applications on an industrial scale.

Like human food, pet food also follows strict regulations, meaning that all additives used, including nature-derived colours are strictly controlled and regulated in compliance with European Union safety laws and are completely safe. We are pet lovers first and foremost so the safety and health of pets is our number one priority. We would never use an ingredient that we don’t believe is safe.
Up to date, studies on the use of these food colours have not shown any concerns for pet health.

Why do we use them? We know that when choosing a pet food, most owners want their choice of food to look appetising. In the production process, pet food can lose colour so they are added in very small amount to maintain a more desirable and consistent appearance.