Your Pet, Our Passion.

Come and say Hi to Lena

German Shepherd Dog & Pyrenean Mountain Dog, 7 years old

🌆 City dog
🍷 Lives with adults only
Lena was adopted!

My favourite thing about Lena is...

Is how she's a gentle giant, with a huge personality. Who will steal your spot and call it hers, she's not sorry one bit. She will give you the criminal offense side eye. She also adopted a cat and has become friends with her. She also will keep your toes nice and warm in the winter.

The biggest challenge with Lena is...

Her allergies, they are the hardest issue what have had since getting her.

The most surprising thing about owning a German Shepherd Dog & Pyrenean Mountain Dog is...

They are stubborn and gentle.

What I wish I’d known about German Shepherd Dogs & Pyrenean Mountain Dogs is...

No matter how much you bursh the hair will not stop coming out! That they also got the need to be outside when it's to cold making me look bad leaving her out in that weather.

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