Cancellations or returns can be arranged through your Purina account.
Frequently asked questions
At Purina, we're committed to giving your pet the best possible product. Find answers to your questions with these FAQs, or please get in touch if you can't find what you're looking for.
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We know it can be frustrating when you can't find your pet's favourite food and there are times when products may be discontinued or experience supply issues.
The PetCare Team are always happy to try and help if there is a problem with one of our sites or apps.
First things first, if you believe your pet’s food may be mouldy or spoiled, don’t feed it.
Purina One
This Purina ONE promotion is running in ROI from 10/10/24 – 31/12/24
Changes in diet can be stressful for your cat and can lead to digestive upsets and food refusals.